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    Shortlist Wortmeldungen - Ulrike Crespo Förderpreis

    Crespo Foundation, Frankfurt am Main

    Exhibition (S) with Björn Knapp & Reading of Klare Monde am Abend

    KM_159, Düsseldorf

    Reading: Mountain Swallowtail from On Synchronicity

    A publication by John Morgan class

    Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf

    Residency in the guest studio of the city of Cologne

    Rolf-Dieter-Brinkmann-Stipendium, Cologne

    Schreibworkshop Bilder machenKIT - Kunst im Tunnel, Düsseldorf


    Reading for Listen to me baby - a reading series by Sophie Hay & Marie Sturm

    Auftakt Festival, Gold + Beton, Cologne

    Text palms for Peter Piller

    Jahresgaben Kunstverein Düsseldorf

    Reading: Entgegen jeder Verlorenheit from ICHNVSA - a publication by Talisa Lallai

    Kunstverein Düsseldorf // Salon des Amateurs, Düsseldorf

    Reading: LAND IN SICHT

    with Nasima Razizadeh & Das Wetter

    Kulturraum 405, Cologne

    Reading & Talk with Lukas Müller

    Literaturhaus Köln

    Absolvent*innen 2021 - 2022 (G)Akademiegalerie Düsseldorf

    Rolf-Dieter-Brinkmann-Stipendium (scholarship for literature), Cologne

    13 Morgen (S) with Jana Buch

    reading of WORM (read by Melanie Matthieu)

    published in my friends in art by Collectif HC, Saint Martin Bookshop, Brussels

    with Atelier Brenda, Damien & The Love Guru, Lucas Hirsch


    photo by Jana Buch, 2024




    and I shall speak that sleepwalker's language

    artist text with Lukas Müller for PASSE-AVANT

    Chuchotage (S) with Jana Buch

    @City of Gold, Essen



    Moiré (G) with Melanie Höhn & Björn Knapp

    curated by Melissa Blau

    ozon (S) with Swinda Oelke

    exhibition and artist publication

    @nails projectroom, Düsseldorf

    Kingdom of Poetic Desorientation (S)

    magazine release & exhibition

    @La Felce, Cologne

    the rose is out of town - graduation show

    art academy Düsseldorf

    baby's breath (S) - work in public space

    M20, Alte Feuerwache, Cologne

    exhibition review for PASSE-AVANT



    absolutely stable (S) with Björn Knapp, exhibition & artist edition

    @projectspace STROMA, Cologne

    the days are just packed (G) @THE POOL, Istanbul

    Kinne (S), PDVN, Berlin

    poem published in Zeitschrift für (Zsf)

    reclaim award (G), price / exhibition in public space, Cologne


    bleached (S) with Krystyna Fitz-Harris, art academy exhibition space, Düsseldorf


    freedom explained logically (G), Weltkunstzimmer Düsseldorf




    2013 - 2021

    studied fine arts at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf

    with Keren Cytter, Prof. Franka Hörnschemeyer and Prof. John Morgan (masterclass)

    2011 - 2013

    studied fine arts at Kunstakademie Karlsruhe

    with Nora Schultz and Prof. Ernst Caramelle

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